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Fundación Gypaetus






Fundación Gypaetus (Coordinating beneficiary)

Fundación Gypaetus is a non-profit organization working for natural heritage and landscape conservation in Andalusia.

In order to achieve these goals, Fundación Gypaetus fights for the eradication of the illegal use of poisoned baits, as this is the main cause of non-natural death for a big amount of EU and Andalusian highly endangered species (Bearded Vulture, Imperial Eagle, Cinereous Vulture, Egyptian Vulture, Red Kite, etc.) also affecting strongly to other endangered species with small and fragmented populations, as Brown Bear, Wolf or Iberian Lynx between others.

Fundación Gypaetus has implemented several conservation projects, some of them directly related to illegal poisoning fight, as the LIFE project LIFENAT/ES/000056 “Preliminary actions and reintroduction of the Bearded Vulture in Andalusia”, with a high amount of effort focused on eradicating this illegal practice, the project “Sierra Nevada contra el veneno” (Sierra Nevada against poison) financed by the Spanish Environmental Ministry and developed in 240 education centers, or the “Program for the Improvement of the Hunting Management”, being an initiative to promote improvements in hunting areas by means of habitat improvement base measures, scientific studies about capture quotas and the eradication of predator control illegal methods.

Fundación Gypaetus has been always regularly sharing knowledge and experience at EU level. For example with an active participation in the EU Bearded Vulture reintroduction coordination meetings, or managing the Guadalentín Breeding Center (second member in importance of the European Endangered Species Breeding Program, EEP, for this species). Gypaetus Foundation regularly contributes in conservation international congresses meetings and seminars and has published scientific and technical international papers and reports.

Other LIFE projects implemented by the FG

Fundación Gypaetus has been the coordinating beneficiary of the project LIFE04NAT/ES/000056 “Preliminary actions and reintroduction of the Bearded Vulture in Andalusia”, 2004.
EC contribution: 1.236.937 €.
Duration: from 01/11/2004 to 31/10/2009.
Coordinating beneficiary: Fundación Gypaetus.
Associated beneficiary 1: Consejería de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía.
Associated beneficiary 2: Federación Andaluza de Caza.
Associated beneficiary 3: Unión de Pequeños Agricultores y Ganaderos de Andalucía.


C/Rioja 1, 1ºB
23009 Jaen
Telephone No +34 953220062
Fax No +34 953220062


ARCTUROS - Civil Society for the Protection of Natural Environment and Wildlife

ARCTUROS is an Environmental Non-Governmental Organisation was founded in 1992, aiming at the Protection and Management of the Natural Environment and the Wildlife. The society’s activities started focusing on the Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) since conservation of this species allows for a global management of the mountain forest ecosystems in Greece, especially in Northern Greece.

Through applied research it gathers information that allows dynamic intervention in cases where important habitats are threatened or destroyed by large technical works such as roads, dams, quarries and so on. At the same time it carries out Special Environmental Studies in areas of high ecological significance.

ARCTUROS is based in Aetos (Florina Prefecture), while two small units are located in Thessaloniki and administrative matters.

The ARCTURO’s main objectives are:

  • Conservation of wildlife and biodiversity.
  • Promoting scientific research on large carnivores and their habitats
  • Awareness raising on conservation issues both on the public and on local authorities
  • Educational activities through the ARCTUROS' Environmental Centre
  • Participate in networks (Greek, Balkan, European and Worldwide) in order to exchange of know-how, information and experience
  • ARCTUROS has been raising Livestock Guardian Dogs since 1998 and provides them free of charge to shepherds in order to prevent and/or reduce the damages caused by large carnivores and feral dogs

Other LIFE projects implemented by ARCTUROS:

Project Title: LIFE-Nature project “ARCTOS” "Protection and Management of the Population and Habitats of the Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) in Greece "
Code Number: LIFE93NAT/GR/010800
Beneficiary: ARCTUROS, WWF-Greece
Partners: Greek Ministry of Agriculture
Duration: 01.01.1994 - 31.12.1995
Amount of co-financing: 1,333,000€

Project Title: LIFE-Nature project “ARCTOS” (2nd Phase): “Conservation of brown bear and its habitats in Greece (second phase)”.
Code Number: LIFE96NAT/GR/003222
Beneficiary: ARCTUROS
Partners: 1) Greek Ministry of Agriculture, 2) General Secretariat for Forests and the Natural Environment (Competent National Service), 3) Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, 4) Greek Organisation for Farmers’ Insurance (E.L.G.A) 5) The 6th Hunting Federation of Makedonia - Thraki 6) WWF-Greece.
Duration: 01.01.1997 - 31.12.1999
Amount of co-financing: 3,335,800 €

Project Title: LIFE-Nature project “LYCOS”: “Conservation of Canis lupus and its habitats in Greece”.
Code Number: LIFE97/NAT/GR/4249
Beneficiary: ARCTUROS
Partners: The Greek Ministry of Agriculture, General Secretariat for Forests and the Natural Environment
Duration: 01.01.1998 - 31.12.2001
Amount of co-financing:  1,085,278 €

Project Title: LIFE-Nature project “RODOPI-GRAMOS”: “Implementation of Management Plans in Gramos and Rodopi Areas, Greece”.
Code Number: LIFE99NAT/GR/006498
Beneficiary: ARCTUROS
Partners: 1) The Greek Ministry of Agriculture, 2) Region of Ipeiros, 3) Region of Western Macedonia 4) Region of Eastern Macedonia-Thraki.
Duration: 01.01.2000 - 31.12.2002
Amount of co-financing: 1,834,000 €Status of the financial commitment


Rogoti 3
54625 Thessaloniki
Telephone No: + 30 2310 555920
Fax No: + 30 2310 553 932

Pilot Area:

2nd Km Kalampaka-Ioannina
Kalampaka 42200
Tel. +302432078440


CEAI - Centro de Estudos da Avifauna Ibérica

CEAI – Centro de Estudos da Avifauna Ibérica (Centre for Studies of Iberian Avifauna) is a Non Governmental Organisation of the Environment and has as main area of intervention the South region of Portugal. Its activities are carried out through three infrastructures:
  • The main office – Espaço Ambiente, is an infrastructure built for CEAI in the historical centre of Évora in collaboration with the Évora’s municipality and the delegation of the League for the Protection of Nature (Liga para a Protecção da Natureza) in Antelejo.
  • The S. Matias environmental center, located in an old elementary school, placed 10 kms from Évora, which is engaged on environmental education activities, directed mainly for schools.
  • The Garducho Biological Station, located in the Mourão municipality, aims for the promotion and the conservation of natural heritage of the Natura 2000 Network, through biology and ecology studies, environmental awareness and education activities, nature conservation projects and ecotourism.

The main activities developed by CEAI can be grouped in the following categories:

  • Information, awareness and environmental education activities: with the main objective to provide access of environmental information to the community, awareness for the need to conciliate human activities with nature conservation, to contribute for the change of behaviors and mentalities, in a sustainable development perspective. Examples: pedestrianism, nature observation visits to ecological interest areas, lectures, training courses and educational school activities.
  • Production of material about environmental subjects: with the aim to fulfill the existing gap of knowledge on sustainable management of natural resources and preservation of natural heritage, which exists both in society in general, in several sectors. It also produces support tools to environmental education activities. Examples: thematic exhibitions, publications, production of audiovisual material and educational games.
  • Activities of environmental intervention: with the goal of minimizing environmental impact of human activities. Examples: elaboration of reports about Environmental Impact Assessment, collaboration with the central and local administration agencies, companies and citizens in solving environmental problems, representation in commissions and public organisms.
  • Activities for nature conservation and sustainable development with the purpose of contributing at local and regional level, for the preservation of the fauna, flora and habitats, in the perspective of conciliation with human activities. Examples: establishment of protocols with landowners, monitoring endangered species, artificial nests placement, ecotourism promotion.
  • Biology and ecology studies that contribute for technical-scientific knowledge of fauna and flora species, and habitats, namely for the species/habitats with special conservativeness interest. Examples: Common crane census (Grus grus), monitoring of diurnal birds of prey populations in the South of Portugal, definition of ecological corridors.

Other LIFE projects implemented by CEAI:

In 2002 CEAI benefited from a financing program, the LIFE-starter, with the project “Action plan for the conservation of Bonelli's Eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus”, which elapsed from 01-12- 2002 to 30-09-2003. The total financing was of 29.100,00€, being the main goal, the application to the LIFE-Nature International Program for the conservation of the Bonelli’s Eagle in Portugal, Spain and South of France. The application was presented in 2003 but the project was not approved.

Project reference number: LIFE06 NAT\P\000194
Name: Tree-Nesting Bonelli´s Eagle in Portugal
Year: 2006
Amount of the cofinancing: 1.551.623 €.
Duration: 2006-2010
Coordinating Beneficiary: CEAI
Partners: The National Forest Authority, Viver Serra, ASPAFLOBAL, Caldeira e Grilo, Lda, ICNB, AIEC and City Hall of Almodôvar.


R. do Raimundo, 119
Apartado 535
7002-506 Évora

Telephone No: +351 266746102
Fax No: +351 266745782


UoC - University of Crete – Special Account for Research

The Natural History Museum of Crete (NHMC) was established as a department of the Faculty of Science of the University of Crete since 1980, being a pioneer institute at national and European level in several aspects of biological and geological diversity.

The first aspect regards research on the environment of the Eastern Mediterranean at all levels, i.e. from basic to applied research, from the cellular to the level of the ecosystems, and from state of the art applications and techniques to management of protected areas and continuous interventions on environmental issues of local and national interest. The NHMC focuses in studying aspects of the Eastern Mediterranean diversity in the fields of Geology, Palaeontology, Ecology, Evolution, Biogeography, Phylogeography, Phylogenetics, Systematics and Taxonomy. Additionally, having participated and participating in several national, European and international conservation and management projects concerning protected areas and priority species, NHMC has a vast experience in the implementation of such projects as well as public awareness activities. Especially in relation to projects in the field of conservation and management, the NHMC has continuous and fruitful activities in sensitising target groups as local authorities and inhabitants, local enterprises, relevant public services, stakeholders, etc.

The second aspect concerns the active diffusion of the knowledge accumulated to all the sectors of the society. Among others, the NHMC officially provides advice concerning the environment to several public bodies as the Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning & Public Works, the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, the Region of Crete, as well as prefectures and municipalities.

Through its participation in the LIFE – Nature projects on conservation actions for the Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus), namely LIFE98NAT/GR/005276 and LIFE02/NAT/GR/008492, and the Eleonora’s Falcon (Falco eleonorae), namely LIFE03NAT/GR/000091, several actions on the limitation of illegal poisoning and public awareness have been undertaken for Crete and Greece, with great results. Along with these actions, good relations with stockbreeders and other groups of stakeholders have been established, while public awareness on issues of biodiversity and the importance of its conservation have been raised throughout Crete.

Through its permanent and temporary exhibitions NHMC is actively involved in education of students at all levels as well as several groups with specific interests like teachers, public services, local societies, stakeholders, etc. The NHMC participates in the educational activities of the University of Crete by: a) teaching of specific topics to undergraduate students, b) realization of undergraduate theses, c) hosting undergraduate students for the realization of small projects, and d) participating as a partner to postgraduate programs of the University of Crete. Moreover, through its national and international collaborations, students and or researchers from other labs are trained on specific topics or realize part of their research works in relevant NHMC labs. A strategic aim of the NHMC is to present to the public, through its exhibition, the results of applied and academic research results in the fullest possible extent.

Other LIFE projects implemented by UoC:

Project Title: Conservation and protection of endangered biotopes of western Crete with habitats and priority species.
Code Number: LIFE95/GR/A22/GR/01143/KRI b
Beneficiary: Organisation of Development of Western Crete (OADYK)
Partners: UoC – NHMC
Duration: 1996-1997
Amount of co-financing: 158.473,95€

Project Title: Conservation of Gypaetus barbatus in Greece.
Code Number: LIFE98NAT/GR/005276
Beneficiary: UoC – NHMC
Partners: 1) Region of Crete – Directory of Forestry, 2) Municipality of Inachorio
Duration: 1998 – 2002
Amount of co-financing: 1.603.668,38€

Project Title: Mediterranean reservoirs and wetlands. A demonstration of multiple – objective management in the island of Crete.
Code Number: LIFE00/ENV/000685
Beneficiary: UoC – NHMC
Partners: MAICH, Municipalities of Ierapetra, Arkalochori, Thrapsano, Rouva, Asterousia
Duration: 2001-2005
Amount of co-financing: 872.219,05€

Project Title: Conservation actions for Gypaetus barbatus and the biodiversity in Crete.
Code Number: LIFE02/NAT/GR/8492
Beneficiary: UoC – NHMC
Partners: Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS)
Duration: 2002-2006
Amount of co-financing: 1.371.665€

Project Title: Conservation Measures for Falco eleonorae in Greece
Code Number: LIFE03 NAT /GR/000091
Beneficiary: Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS)
Partners: UoC - NHMC, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB-UK), Greek
Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food.
Duration: 2003-2007
Amount of co-financing: 244.982€


University Campus, Knossos Avenue Premises – Natural History Museum of Crete (NHMC)
GR-71409 Heraklion, Crete



Quercus- National Association for the Preservation of the Environment - is an independent, non-profit making national association established by citizens concerned with the Preservation of Nature and Natural Resources to protect the Environment in general. The association’s main objective is to realise a sustainable environmental development in Portugal.

Since its foundation on 31 October 1985, Quercus has undertaken the task to protect the environment in Portugal. At the moment, Quercus consists of 11.000 members in 21 regional delegations all over Portugal. It also has three Centres for Environmental Education, Tagus International Project and three Shelter Recovery Centres for Wild Animals. Quercus is the owner of almost 650 ha of lands (micro reserves). In the Natural Park International Tagus River we promote eco-tourism and nature conservation activities. There we have some arrangements for sheltering visitors and investigators.

Quercus´ intervention area is divided in the following fields:

  • Study and protection of natural resources;
  • It operates as a pressure group in denunciation and intervention representing the public opinion in search of solutions for environmental problems;
  • Nature management and practical actions to protect the natural resources;
  • Environmental education by providing information and increasing the public’s awareness of ecological problems; thus improving the harmony between Man and its environment;
  • Technological studies in the field of Municipal Waste, Recycling, Drink Water, Industrial and Hospital Waste etc.

Through voluntary participation of its members, Quercus has been at the centre of a committed and persistent intervention to protect the environment. The association has been rewarded for its work by the United Nations with the Global 500 award, and by the Portuguese government which attributed the title of Honoured Member of the Order of the Infant D. Henrique to the association.

Other LIFE projects implemented by QUERCUS:

Project reference number: LIFE 94/P/A.1.5.2./P/01156/LIS
Alto Nabão: Projecto de Turismo Ambiental
Year: 1995
Total cost: 718.933,51 ECU
LIFE: 294.604,51 ECU
Other financing sources: 359.466,70 ECU
Duration: 01/04/1995 a 31/12/1998
Coordinating beneficiary: Quercus
Partners involved: ICN, PNSAC, ADIRN, Câmara Municipal de Tomar; Câmara Municipal de Ourém, Câmara Municipal de Ferreira do Zêzere, Região de Turismo dos Templários, Região de Turismo Rota do Sol.

Project reference number: LIFE94/P/A152/P/01234/CEN
Name: Do Litoral para o Interior
Year: 1995
Amount of the cofinancing:
Duration: 1995 a 1998 (3 years)
Coordinating Beneficiary: Quercus.
Partners: Instituto de Conservação da Natureza e da Região de Turismo do Centro, Câmaras Municipais da Lousã, Góis, Arganil, Castanheira de Pera, Miranda do Corvo, Condeixa, Pombal, Alvaiázere, Penela, Soure, Castelo Branco e Idanha-a-Nova, and ADSICÓ (Associação de Municípios da Serra de Sicó), dos Amigos de Conímbriga e do Museu de Conímbriga.).


Associação Nacional de Conservação da Natureza
Centro Associativo do Calhau
Bairro do Calhau
Parque Florestal de Monsanto
1500-045 Lisbon

Telephone No: +351 21 778 8474
Fax: +351 21 778 7749

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